OMPP is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
To Donate
Use this button to donate through PayPal.
Or download, print out, and fill in this form:
OMPP Donation Form (pdf)
Mail to:
Olympic Mountain Pet Pals
P.O. Box 1466
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
To Make an “In Honor / Memory of” Donation
To make a donation through the PayPal button.
Instructions: After submitting your donation amount, click on either “Donate with PayPal” or “Donate with a Debit or Credit Card”. Next, below “Donate to Olympic Mountain Pet Pals” and your amount, click on “Add special instructions to the seller.” In the box, type in the information about the recipient of your gift (i.e., name of person or pet, whether a pet is a dog, cat, or other animal, the recipient’s contact information, and whether this is an “in honor of” or “in memory of” donation). Also be sure to check the box sharing your mailing address with us. Click on this graphic to see example screenshots of this process once you hit the PayPal “Donate” button.
Or download, complete, and mail this form:
OMPP Memorial Gift form
To Volunteer
Interesting in volunteering? We’d love to have you! Please download and complete this Volunteer Form or contact the board member for the program that interests you.

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